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The Figge Art Museum is 317 feet long and 124 feet high.
225 West Second Street
Davenport, Iowa
Museum | 563.326.7804
Events Office | 563.345.6657
Monday | Closed
Tuesday - Wednesday | 10am - 5pm
Thursday | 10am - 8pm
Friday - Saturday | 10am - 5pm
Sunday | 12pm - 5pm
*Closing procedures will begin 15 minutes before closing time
Monday - Wednesday Closed
Thursday 5pm - 8pm
Friday - Sunday Closed
*The Figge Bar is open every Thursday evening 5-8 p.m. and every Second Saturday of the month from 1-3 p.m.
*See calendar for holiday exceptions
All donations are tax-exempt.
Copyright ©now Figge Art Museum.
All rights reserved.
Website design by Terrostar.™