Faces from the Figge

October 17, 2011 - December 17, 2011
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Faces from the Figge

Faces from the Figge is a video animation of faces selected from the Figge Art Museum’s collection of paintings, prints, photographs and sculptures, compiled by Bruce Walters. Some of the faces are young, some old. Some are celebrities, some unknown. They are, in turn, solemn, humorous, frightening, welcoming, introspective, friendly, intimidating and beautiful. Though some are separated by centuries and some by continents, they collectively form a persistent, single face.
Working from digitized photographs, the images were scaled and centered in Adobe Photoshop so that the faces—especially the eyes—would be placed consistently when put into an animated sequence. After the background was eliminated, the images were desaturated and the value contrast exaggerated. iMovie was used to assemble and edit the video. The sound track, “A Walk through the Museum” was made in GarageBand with multiple tracks using a keyboard, instrument loops and recorded sounds.

This exhibition will be at the Figge through December 18, 2011.

Watch a video of the animated faces.

Photoshop, iMovie and GarageBand are computer applications.

Past Exhibitions

Orientation Gallery
Img 5005 1
Img 4901 2

225 West Second Street
Davenport, Iowa



Museum | 563.326.7804

Events Office | 563.345.6657



Monday | Closed

Tuesday - Wednesday | 10am - 5pm

Thursday | 10am - 8pm

Friday - Saturday | 10am - 5pm

Sunday | 12pm - 5pm

*Closing procedures will begin 15 minutes before closing time



Monday - Wednesday Closed

Thursday 5pm - 8pm

Friday - Sunday Closed

*The Figge Bar is open every Thursday evening and every Second Saturday of the month

*See calendar for holiday exceptions