Intriguing Images: Docent Picks from the Figge Collection

Intriguing Images: Docent Picks from the Figge Collection
This exhibition is the museum’s first ever docent-curated exhibition. Docents are volunteer tour guides who lead tours of the Figge exhibitions. The word docent comes from the Latin word docere, which means to teach.
The Education Department invited museum docents to serve as guest curators because the docents have a good understanding of what type of work appeals to our community. The opportunity for museum volunteers to pick some of their favorite works of art was also a way for the Figge to thank the docents for their commitment to the museum, and to acknowledge the important role they serve in helping the Figge fulfill its educational mission.
Curating an exhibition is not just selecting the works that will be displayed in a gallery. It also involves organizing the works in the gallery to create interesting visual comparisons for the viewer. Curators also write interpretive materials to help viewers make meaningful connections with the works of art.
The docents selected some of their favorite paintings and sculptures that are also popular with Figge visitors. We hope you enjoy their “picks.”
Join us at 7 pm Thursday, August 4 as our docents hightlight works from this exhibition and Water Views from the Figge Collection before they close.
Exhibition closes August 14, 2011.
Not pictured: Sue Broderick, Caryl Bucksbaum, Sandy Cahoy, Carol Ehlers, Pam Gustafson, Judy Hartig, Judy Hazelton, Virginia Houlton, Cheryl Kolwey, Jane Koski, Linda Lewis, Bobette Maginas, Gloria Malooly, Maureen McGreevey, Jean Moeller, Laraine Shellenberger, Craig Van Hook, Lanora Welzenbach, and Don Wilson.
Sponsored by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation Fund
This exhibition was made possible through assistance from the Museum Studies Masters Degree Program at Western Illinois University-Quad Cities
Channing Hare, U.S., 1899-1976, The Grey Rose, 1949, oil on canvas, museum purchase: Friends of Art Acquisition Fund, 1951.907