Chefs from 10 Quad-City area restaurants will set up in the lobby of the museum from 5:30-8 p.m. where they will cook Cajun-inspired dishes for guests to sample. Participating chefs from the Figge, Machine Shed, Crow Valley Country Club, Sippi's, Johnny's Italian Steakhouse, Paddle Wheel, Thunder Bay, Gramma's Kitchen, The J Bar and Zek'es Island Cafe will show off their culinary skills and entice guests with their delicious creations.

A native of Japan and longtime resident of Washington D.C., Yamaguchi creates organic, web-like sculptures from nets of wire and resin forms cast from dried curls of potatoes, onion ends, leaves and seed pods found in nature. She scours the neighboring woods and local grocery stores in search of these aesthetically pleasing forms that she dries and cuts up until they bear only a passing resemblance to their former selves. She then creates a silicon rubber mold from the material she collects and mixes liquid resin with color dye, which she then pours into the mold.

Each year in the United States there are nearly 150,000 minors as young as 10 years old booked into confinement facilities for reasons ranging from truancy to violent crime. Many have histories of abuse, abandonment and addiction. Over the past eight years, Ross has traveled to juvenile detention facilities across the country, photographing young prisoners and recording their stories. The result is large-scale photographs which focus on the young people Ross has encountered, accompanied by their own personal stories.

Local artist Rose Frantzen’s nationally celebrated Portrait of Maquoketa, a multi-panel artwork, has been acquired by the Figge Art Museum and will officially be part of the permanent collection beginning in early 2015.

Self-Taught Genius: Treasures from the American Folk Art Museum features 115 artworks made between the early 18th and 21st centuries, ranging from portraits and needleworks to wooden shop figures and found-object sculptures. All are the compelling, beautifully realized work of self-taught artists which provide a fresh perspective on artistic impulse and our national charac

The Figge frequently partners with colleges and universities in the region to engage students with projects, such as the College Invitational exhibition, College Night, brown bag lunches with visiting artists, classes in the studios and intern and volunteer opportunities. The college art professors are the unsung partners in these projects.

“Much of the beauty of a turned work of art depends on chance and is an accident of nature. A wood turner not only creates, but uncovers qualities inherent in the wood such as the grain patterns, cracks, worm holes and variations in hue,” said Figge Curator Rima Girnius.

O’Neill will be constructing a temporary woodturning lathe made of cast concrete that he will use to create a large-scale turned wood sculpture. The raw material will be a locally sourced tree trunk provided by the Davenport city arborist.

The exhibit showcases the passion, courage and talent of cancer survivors and patients within a 150-mile radius of the Quad Cities who use art as a way to reflect on and celebrate survival.

The Figge Art Museum has received a major gift of $500,000 from the estate of Ruth Evelyn Katz gifted by son Marty Katz of Moline in honor of his late parents Isador and Ruth Evelyn Katz and his late sister Judith Katz.

Opening Saturday, Two Americans in Paris will feature works by artists Grant Wood and Stuart Davis. Both studied in Paris during the1920s and depicted scenes of American life in their work. Wood emerged as a leading spokesman for Regionalism, while Davis was a strong proponent of American modernism.

From Pencil to Printed Page: Arthur Geisert’s Thunderstorm includes over 180 sketches, plates, print states and hand-colored illustrations immortalized in Geisert’s 2013 picture book Thunderstorm.

Iowa Museum Week starts Monday and runs through June 15. It’s held annually to raise awareness of the significant contributions made to Iowa communities by their museums in relation to quality of life, economic life, tourism and education.

The Figge Art Museum is partnering with the University of Iowa Museum of Art (UIMA) to bring an exciting, interactive exhibition to the Mary Waterman Gildehaus Community Gallery. A Moveable Museum: Works from the UIMA School Programs Collection opens Saturday and is curated by Dale Fisher, curator of education at UIMA, with the assistance of UIMA and Figge staff members.

Figge Art Museum is one of more than 2,000 museums across America to offer free admission to military personnel and their families this summer in collaboration with the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, and the Department of Defense.